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Lagom WHMCS theme - V2.3.1 NULLED

Whmcs Lagom WHMCS theme - V2.3.1 NULLED 2.3.1

No permission to download
It's great to see that you successfully got the template working—looks like you have a solid understanding of WHMCS. 👏
Yes. I have been using WHMCS for quite a long time. Since 31st Aug 2019 )) 🤔

I’d like to let you know that we will be providing the latest version soon, along with all the necessary extensions, so you can have the best possible experience. Stay tuned for updates! 🚀

Looking forward to hearing more of your insights! 😊
Of course! I think this forum was created exactly for this - to share, understand, thank and help each other!
Please advise. I can't display the switch to change the site mode: dark - light (shown in the screenshot). In the Theme Settings - General I activated this function, but I don't see it on the site. Maybe something else needs to be configured or enabled?


Hooray! I figured it out!!! 👍 :ROFLMAO:
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Please advise. I can't display the switch to change the site mode: dark - light (shown in the screenshot). In the Theme Settings - General I activated this function, but I don't see it on the site. Maybe something else needs to be configured or enabled?

View attachment 230

Hooray! I figured it out!!! 👍 :ROFLMAO:

here you can find it
When I installed this Lagom on my working WHMCS, it successfully updated and did not require a key, it continues to work with my previous one from 2.2.8.
Some kind of trick?

I make a correction! Yes. Indeed, with my previous key from 2.2.8 the theme worked, but new versions of Extensions (which I could find on this forum) did not activate. I entered the key from this release and Extensions were activated. So I confirm: the key from this release is 100% working! Thank you!
Friends, I'm stumped! I don't understand how to translate the abbreviated name of the month into my language! I searched everywhere in Lagom, but I didn't find anything ((( If I connect the default themes (Six or Twenty-one), the month is displayed in my language, as it should be.


When viewing the News itself, the month is displayed correctly.

The problem is only on the /login page
the date format for the login page is not set to use translations > from the global settings > admin/configgeneral.php [see tab= Localization]
TPL entries includes/template-blocks/"login-sidebar.tpl"
LINE13 > <span class="sidebar-news-date">{$announcement['date']}</span>
what is include in the login.tpl > are not coded for multilingual entries
> only shows the English format like "mm/dd/yyyy" or what you configure in the general settings.
> So you can't show the translation in the "NEWS BOX" there

IE: in the announcements.tpl
LINE21 you have another date format {$carbon->createFromTimestamp($announcement.timestamp)->format('jS M Y')}
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the date format for the login page is not set to use translations > from the global settings > admin/configgeneral.php [see tab= Localization]
TPL entries includes/template-blocks/"login-sidebar.tpl"
LINE13 > <span class="sidebar-news-date">{$announcement['date']}</span>
what is include in the login.tpl > are not coded for multilingual entries
> only shows the English format like "mm/dd/yyyy" or what you configure in the general settings.
> So you can't show the translation in the "NEWS BOX" there

IE: in the announcements.tpl
LINE21 you have another date format {$carbon->createFromTimestamp($announcement.timestamp)->format('jS M Y')}

Thank you man
То, что включается в login.tpl> не кодируется для многоязычных записей
> Показывает только английский формат, подобный «MM/DD/YYYY» или то, что вы настраиваете в общих настройках.
> Так что вы не можете показать перевод в «новостной коробке» там
Thank you very much. It's a pity that there is no way to translate this into my language (( And why didn't Lagom consider this...
I'll tell you more: even now NULL version 2.2.8 doesn't activate for me
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