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Lagom WHMCS theme - V2.3.1 NULLED

Whmcs Lagom WHMCS theme - V2.3.1 NULLED 2.3.1

No permission to download
1) the mode-swicher.tpl ist not use in 2.2.8 .. you habe to delete all FILES from v2.3.1 what are located in >>> /templates/lagom2
then paste the FILES only from 2.2.8 >>> /templates/lagom2

2) if you have same error!
> 2-1 goto the DATABASE (make a BACKUP FIRST :LOL:) and look about tablename: "rsthemes_menus" and for the secondary menu is here i think the ID 69 and 70
you can delete this ID's .

3) GOTO RStheme / Menu and ADD this Menus NEW this the same NAMES (Guest Secondary Menu and Client Secondary Menu ) what you have bevore. and build your structur for the navi links whit all the need it options.
I struggled for two days to get version 2.2.8 back to working order. It's good that I have my own dedicated server and daily backups. In the end, I had to go back to WHMCS 8.11, return the DB from 8.11 + Lagom 2.2.8, return all the invoices and customer orders (so that they wouldn't receive them again).

I copied the necessary tables from the DB. I supplemented Lagom 2.2.8 with all the settings from Lagom 2.3.1. To do this, I created a subdomain on which I deployed version Lagom 2.3.1 from the backups.

In short, I struggled. But in the end, WHMCS 8.11 + Lagom 2 v.2.2.8 are now working for me. I won't update to WHMCS 8.12 for now. I'll wait until the stable version of Lagom 2 v.2.3.2 appears.

The only thing is that the page /admin/systemphpinfo.php is not displayed correctly for me ((. There is some cache in the address bar. It looks like this: /admin/systemphpinfo.php?nocache=NC8LjykSsy35pqlT I removed this ?nocache=NC8LjykSsy35pqlT, but nothing helped. On the subdomain where I deployed the backup, this page is displayed normally.

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