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WHMCS security settings

WHMCS security settings

* webby *

* webby *

Jan 27, 2025
Reaction score
encountered such a problem. I can't secure the "Crons" directory ((
I did everything according to this documentation.
It didn't work. When I run the cron command I get an error:
root$ /opt/php81/bin/php -q /var/www/root/data/www/billing-crons/cron.php
Unable to communicate with the WHMCS installation.

Please verify the path configured within the crons directory config.php file.

For more information, please see Move the Cron Directory

Please verify the path configured within the crons directory config.php file.

My path is like this:
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In the configuration.php file, I entered it like this:
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I named the directory billing-crons for extra security. I thought that was the problem. But I also tried with the crons directory and got the same error((
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What could I have missed?
It looks like WHMCS is unable to locate your main installation directory from the cron job. This usually happens due to a misconfigured path in configuration.php or an incorrect $whmcspath setting. Let's troubleshoot:

Make sure the $whmcspath in your crons configuration.php file points exactly to the main WHMCS installation folder. Based on your setup, try setting:

$whmcspath = '/var/www/root/data/www/'
If WHMCS is installed in a subdirectory, include that:

After updating, restart PHP-FPM and clear any cache:

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It looks like WHMCS is unable to locate your main installation directory from the cron job. This usually happens due to a misconfigured path in configuration.php or an incorrect $whmcspath setting. Let's troubleshoot:

Make sure the $whmcspath in your crons configuration.php file points exactly to the main WHMCS installation folder. Based on your setup, try setting:

$whmcspath = '/var/www/root/data/www/'
If WHMCS is installed in a subdirectory, include that:

After updating, restart PHP-FPM and clear any cache:

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Thank you very much for the advice and attempt to help.
Let me explain:
I have WHMCS installed not in a subdirectory but in the root:
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Accordingly, the crons directory is located here:
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I moved it outside the root, to the date directory:
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After data I have WWW (sites are located here:
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etc.) In this WWW directory. I also placed crons, and it doesn't work for me either. ((
It only works by default -
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My brain is already smoking... ))
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