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Wapppress builds Android Mobile App for any WordPress website

Wapppress builds Android Mobile App for any WordPress website 6.0.6

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Wapppress builds Android Mobile App for any WordPress website


You will be able to send notification to all of your customers and engage more closely than mails or ads, which is only going to increase your bottom line.
People might forget to check mails but they always check notifications on mobile apps. This gives you the chance to:
  • Stand Out From the 99.9% Competition
  • Improve Customer Engagement
  • Gain More Visibility
  • Create a Direct Marketing Channel
  • Build Brand Recognition


Changes or updates that are implemented on your site will automatically be reflected in the app too! You don’t need to worry about updating code, functionality breakage or anything. If your site is working fine, your app will be rocking as well.


Most drag & drop platforms cannot provide complex functionality inside app. They are not flexible enough to provide addition of new code.
If your site has some unique functionality, you can develop in into the app. Without AllApppress you are likely going to need to invest 18 weeks or more) in development.


Even more exciting, together with the use of 3rd party script addition, you can replicate exact functionality or feature of your site inside the app. This will save you months in coding!


Monetize your app using… eCommerce: Sell your products from app. App store for offline, online, ecommerce businesses.
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