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Xenforo [DBTech] DragonByte Bluesky Poster 1.2.1

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Instantly share new threads posted in select forums with Bluesky. It supports adding hash tags, pre-defined or manually during posting, and prevents your posts from exceeding the 300-character limit.

Why use Bluesky Poster?

Bluesky Poster allows your users to stay updated with your forums' news even while they're not at the computer, by having new threads posted in certain forums automatically post to your Bluesky feed.
Additionally, search engines tend to prioritise links found on social media websites.

You can also optionally append hashtags to your automatic posts, further increasing your exposure by making sure your posts show up in searches for specific trends.

Feature List

Source Forums

  • Toggle inclusion per-forum (default: disabled)
Hash Tags
  • Fill out hashtags to be appended to your post
  • Target your posts to trends or topics
Bluesky Post
  • Displays thread title, link to thread and your defined hashtags
  • Dynamically excludes hashtags to fit your post within the 300-character limit, if applicable
First release
Last update


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