Codychat 7.0 Main chat files download 7.0 (video call & private call & cams ) 7.0Codychat License Terms
The Codychat license grants you permission to install one active chat on a single domain. Each chat installation requires its own license. The license remains valid indefinitely and allows you to use the purchased version permanently without any recurring monthly payments.
In order to be able to run the chat on your server your server have to meet following requirements.
- PHP Scripts - Codychat 6.0 Main chat files download
- php 8.1 or 8.2
- Ioncube loader 13
- Mysqli
- mbstring
- Zip library
- Curl
- Gd library
- I have moved to a new server and chat do not work :
- Why it require ioncube :
We have decided to use ioncube to protect some part of our code. Ioncube is a widely used php module that is available on pretty much all You can easely edit html of pretty much all visual aspect of the chat but the core remain encrypted.
- How many online users it can support :
Good question... our chat is a powerfull php / ajax chat that have been tested by many beta tester for about 1 year before initial release. During that time we have test on many type of hosting such as shared, vps and dedicated. Of course it is impossible to predict how many users a chat can handle as it depend on too many factor such as host ram, host cpu speed, host location, how fast users type, do they use private and lot of other settings available in chat can affect those values. During our test we have see some shared host width 50+ users, vps with 300+ users and some dedicated with 2000+ online users. If you are looking for a chat that can handle 10 000 members online then you should look to have a custom chat build.
- Installation guide for codychat
Here is a quick and easy installation guide that explain how to install codychat. Installation should be easy if you have issue do not hesitate to contact us via the store chat once you have purchased your license.
شروط ترخيص Codychat
ترخيص Codychat يمنحك إذنًا بتثبيت دردشة نشطة واحدة على نطاق واحد. كل تثبيت دردشة يتطلب ترخيصًا خاصًا به. يظل الترخيص ساري المفعول إلى أجل غير مسمى ويتيح لك استخدام النسخة التي تم شراؤها بشكل دائم دون دفع أي رسوم شهرية متكررة.